5 grudges that I haven't let go of yet

I don’t just hold onto grudges, I white-knuckle them. I squeeze the ever-living shit out of my grudges and as I type this I just realized…you know what? I really don’t. But I do love being dramatic so that’s how we’re starting off this blog post. (This is the curse of being a Leo Moon)

There are however, some things that irritate the shit out of me and are still irritating when I remember that they happened. And if the success of Twitter has taught us anything over the past few years, it’s that people online love to soak up content that triggers them and pisses them off. So why not have my blog contribute?

Today we’re talking about 5 grudges I have from years ago, and don’t plan on letting go of anytime soon.

1. When companies send you a “you’ve successfully unsubscribed” email after you just unsubscribed from them

I spoke about this in my podcast episode with Emily from ItsBecomeAWholeThing but oh, this one gets me.

The nerve of these companies. I hate when corporate marketing departments taunt you like this. You unsubscribe, because you never want to hear from them again. And immediately after you do this, you hear from them again. With a stupid little goodbye email or “sorry to see you go!”

These marketing departments…dangling the fact that they have your e-mail address in front of your face! It’s so rude! My rage boils over. It’s passive aggressive and they know it.

2. People on Twitter who got upset about the ALS bucket challenge

If you are someone who complained about the ALS bucket challenge and said people doing it were problematic, doing it for attention, or wasting water with this challenge…I’m so sorry, but I absolutely do not funk with you! Resident worst type of person character in my mind!

Granted, most of these takes that I saw were on Twitter, but behind (almost) every Tweet, there is usually a person.

And look, I’ve seen a lot of bad takes on Twitter over the years, but this one has the be one of the worst I’ve come across. People are having good-natured fun (pour water on their heads) for the sake of a good cause (raising money for ALS research) and you somehow find it in your twisted brain to call this problematic? I find it hard to imagine that these people exist in real life! I hope to god I never meet them!


3. When they changed iTunes songs from $0.99 to $1.29

I remember this day like it was yesterday. I was a sophomore in high school, obsessed with Taylor Swift and trying to date 90% of the guys on the cross country team. It was a good year. The Fearless album had just recently come out and I thought that You Belong With Me was specifically written about me and the kid who ran the 1600 during winter track season.

At any rate, the peace I knew was disrupted when iTunes announced that certain songs were going to be $1.29 - a 30 cent increase from their previous standard of all songs being $0.99.

And look, I know that artists deserve to be paid, and I know that the feeling of a really good song is priceless, but still, I got upset that day, and I carry the grudge from then with me today.

4. The last Game of Thrones series (but mostly, the last episode in particular)

I say this with all the love in my heart, because I loved, I really loved the series Game of Thrones.

But the last season of Game of Thrones sucked donkey dick and you know it in your heart to be true.

This is one grudge I just don’t think I’m ever getting over - and I feel vindicated and okay with that because like, literally every other single fan of Game of Thrones felt the same way. It was just a tragic shame, to have such an incredible show for like 6 seasons, fall off the wagon because the showrunners got offered a chance to do a Star Wars movie and they wanted to quickly do that instead.

I get real Arya Stark about it when I think about what happened. I have a list. And I repeat it to myself every night.

5. Instagram stealing the entire concept of Snapchat

Why I’m defending one billion-dollar company to another billion-dollar company I truly have no idea, but there is something deep inside of me that always wants to fight and stand up for the little guy.

Also, I just get fired up about justice in general and I don’t think it was fair at all that Instagram literally took the concept of Snapchat stories and put it on their platform. I’m actually baffled in fact that they were able to do that, and I find it insane that some lawsuit about it didn’t happen (or if it did, it never came across my Twitter feed).

So I’ll always be upset over that. But…Instagram does pay much more for reels than TikTok does for TikTok videos so…I will be staying on Instagram.

Damn! That felt good to get off my chest. Let me know what grudges you still have from years ago, or if you agree with any of mine. (Especially if you want to rant about Game of Thrones, you know I’ll have your back for that one)

Until the next one,

Shannon McNamaraComment