5 outfits on my Pinterest board that I will never be brave enough to wear in public

I’m a firm believer that there are two types of people:

  • Those with a sense of fashion

  • Those with a sense of fashion and social anxiety

I think that nerves are more responsible for bland outfits than a ‘lack of fashion’ ever could be. Because it takes a lot of fashion balls to pull off unique and creative outfits. Many times I’ve stood in front of the mirror with a daring hair style or outfit - only to second guess myself before leaving and remove the “fun” part of my look for fear of being judged!

The place where this sets in the most is Pinterest.

There are so many beautiful outfits on Pinterest that are not real world outfits! They look gorgeous on a screen but are impossible to pull off IRL.

Simply put: I get imposter syndrome by just looking at them.

1. Anything involving overalls

What is it about overalls? They look wonderful online and on the Pinterest models but the minute I try on anything overall related I look like a farmer version of the Pillsbury Dough Boy?? Yet on the models, the overalls flow and drape across their body??

The dark arts must be at play here because overalls are stiff material but somehow on Pinterest they flow like water.

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2. A monochrome suit

I lust over this look. This outfit literally makes me feel the same way a perfume commercial does.

But I know this is a classic case of “do you love the girl, or do you want to be the girl” because I love this outfit but I will never ever ever wear it because my imposter syndrome tells me “absolutely not” and then follows it up with, “all of these pieces together would be very expensive”

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3. A beret

I have never seen anyone pull off a beret in real life! Who even invented the beret? Why did they make us want to feel bad?

But somehow online, on Instagram, and all over Pinterest, berets look like the chic-est damn thing to walk the runway. And at least once a year I get fooled into thinking that maybe I can pull off a beret as well. I’ll be in a Nordstrom Rack and walk past a pile of them and go, what the hell, let’s throw it on, and then have my ego crushed a few seconds later. Show me a person who can rock a beret IRL! It’s impossible!

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4. Sexy Slip Silk Dresses

This article of clothing catches my eye every time I see it. A silk slip dress? Yes, please. I would like to wear that.

But when you put it on it just…doesn’t fit right. I’m convinced that all of these Pinterest models are stitching and pinning the dress in the back because slip dresses never fit right. Somehow it accentuates the widest parts of your body and none of the smallest parts and you end up feeling like the Michelin man. But at least you’re the Michelin man in silk so I guess it’s not all bad.


5. Corset tops

These look gorgeous on Instagram and Pinterest but any time I put one on my Catholic roots start shaming me and I find it hard to even wear this in the comfort of my own apartment by myself.

Wear this in public? Around people? And with God watching? Absolutely not.


Please let me know what Pinterest outfits you lust over but are too fearful to wear in public! Also I am very serious about my beret request, if you ever see someone wearing a beret in public and pulling it off - send me a picture immediately. I’m convinced berets never look good in real life.

Until the next one,